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A search for 'Shimmer Lake' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1 matches in composers
  1. M.L. Lake

825 matches in tracks
  1. Shimmer Lake (01:44)
    from Shimmer Lake
  2. Approaching the Shimmer (01:52)
    from Annihilation
  3. Shimmer / Molumbo (01:02)
    from Airplane!
  4. Shimmer (00:00)
    from Dawson's Creek
    Shawn Mullins
  5. Shimmer/Bill’s Guardian (00:00)
    from Victor Young At Paramount
  6. Shimmer/Bill’s Guardian (00:00)
    from Appointment With Danger
  7. Shimmer/Bill’s Guardian (00:00)
    from Accused, The
  8. Shimmer/Bill’s Guardian (00:00)
    from September Affair
  9. Shimmer of the Flower Fields (01:33)
    from Africa
  10. Shimmer (01:27)
    from Saturday Night Live
    Gilda Radner, Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase
  11. Swan Lake Main Title (01:38)
    from Barbie Sings!: The Princess Movie Song Collection
    (The London Symphony Orchestra; Barbie of Swan Lake)
  12. Swan Lake Main Title (01:38)
    from Barbie In The Nutcracker
    (The London Symphony Orchestra; Barbie of Swan Lake)
  13. Swan Lake Main Title (01:38)
    from Barbie As Rapunzel
    (The London Symphony Orchestra; Barbie of Swan Lake)
  14. Swan Lake Main Title (01:38)
    from Barbie Of Swan Lake
    (The London Symphony Orchestra; Barbie of Swan Lake)
  15. Swan Lake Main Title (01:38)
    from Barbie As The Princess And The Pauper
    (The London Symphony Orchestra; Barbie of Swan Lake)
  16. Fraulein D' Cup (The Story That Had To Be Told) (01:25)
    from Boeing Boeing
    (Sung by Neal Hefti) Fraulein D' Cup has a shape that inspires the guys, she's so stacked up she can bust you right between the eyes. When she hiccups they shake and they shimmer and twirl but no matter what anyone says about her, she's all girl!
  17. The Lake (03:37)
    from Lionheart
  18. On The Lake (05:39)
    from Notebook, The
  19. The Lake (03:51)
    from Pilgrimage
  20. Lake (00:55)
    from Barcelona
Show all 825 matching tracks